Suite of Services for Practitioners

The Toby Henderson Trust is committed to supporting practitioners in education. Our aim is to help ensure that all autistic children and young people can learn, thrive and achieve their potential in educational settings.

Individual child observations and recommendations

At the trust, we recognise that every child has a unique profile of strengths and challenges. Certainly, the autistic child in your classroom will need individualised care plans and support to achieve their potential. Our team will support you in achieving this in an effective way. Please note that this service is not specifically for those who have a confirmed autism diagnosis and can equally be of huge benefit to those who may be displaying some signs of being overwhelmed in the classroom setting.

One senior staff member will make observations, suggest strategies and make recommendations to support the child in the classroom, in recognition of their individual needs. We will encourage teaching practitioners to analyse how their working practice affects the individual child, looking at the physical environment and communication styles from all involved. 

A written report will be provided following the visit, outlining the concerns addressed, the observations carried out and the strategies and recommendations suggested (this can often support with COSA and EHCP applications).

Price: Individual student observation and recommendations: 2 hour visit and consultation with report: £460.00 with any additional travel expenses charged at 0.45p per mile from & to Toby House (Bedlington).

Individual child autism assessment

The Toby Henderson Trust offer private autism assessments for children, young people and adults. We are also commissioned by CCGs in a number of North Eastern localities and the Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) to undertake assessment and diagnosis for autism in children and adults.

Given the fact that the NHS also purchase us to do autism assessments and diagnosis there has never been any issue with our private diagnoses not being accepted.

We have a clear pathway that is outlined on our website ( which differs slightly for the under 5’s, 5-11 year olds and 12 and above.

Each component also produces a detailed report and a final diagnostic outcome report outlines strategies and recommendations for that particular child.

Price: aged 2.5 – 5 years £2952.80 with any additional travel expenses charged at 0.45p per mile from & to Toby House (Bedlington).

Price: 5 – 18 £2452.80 with any additional travel expenses charged at 0.45p per mile from & to Toby House (Bedlington).

Specialist training and workshops

Using Visual Aids across the ages – Many practitioners and indeed carers make the assumption that visual support is no longer required for an older child who is both verbal and often very articulate. At The Toby Henderson Trust we strongly believe that you can never underestimate the value in providing additional visual support in its many forms. This workshop will give you a practical insight into the use of visual aids that can be used into adulthood.

– Autism and Transitions in Education Settings – We often hear how difficult transitions in education can be for autistic students and their family members. In preparation for any significant transitions, we will share helpful strategies that education settings can implement to support autistic students through these changes. During this session, you will also have a personal insight into this transitional period as we share the thoughts of autistic young people that we currently work with.

Sensory Issues. – A workshop covering topics associated with sensory dysfunction and sensory issues

Understanding the Avoidant Profile – This workshop will cover what Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is and specific strategies to support children with/suspected PDA.

Managing Meltdowns – This workshop is an opportunity to explore what contributes to autistic children and young people experiencing meltdowns and how practitioners can best support in these challenging times.

Emotional wellbeing for Practitioners in Education – Since lockdown TTHT have become acutely aware of the pressures faced by teaching staff on a daily basis. This workshop is designed to support staff to learn some new coping techniques and strategies that they can use when feeling overwhelmed, as well as discovering ways to fit in some “self-care.” These tips can also be used with children and young people, as well as parents and carers that you are working with.

Price: Workplace training:  £50pp for a 2.5 hour workshop (minimum 15 people).  This can be delivered over zoom or at your site, with additional travel expenses.

For more information, or to book one of our services,

please contact Lynda Richardson on 0300 3653055 or email